With Álvaro Siza, Wilfried Wang and Ana Tostões
Acesso: Bilhete 3€
Estudante/Jovem, Maiores de 65 e Amigos de Serralves: 1,5€
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The tribute to Álvaro Siza will take place at the Serralves Foundation, and will be attended by Álvaro Siza, Wilfried Wang (president of CICA), and Ana Tostões (CICA member and president of AICA_EN - International Association of Art Critics, Portugal).
Wilfried Wang, president of CICA, will give an introduction, followed by a conversation with Ana Tostões, president of AICA_EN - International Association of Art Critics and member of CICA, where Álvaro Siza will describe his favourite project in order to answer the questions: Should a building be a world in itself? Or should it relate to its context? Do the best buildings achieve both: create their own order and language, while dialoguing with and shaping their surroundings?
Following the International Conferences On the Duty and the Power of Architectural Criticism (2021), Defining Architectural Quality (2022) and Architecture as Built Criticism (2023), the 2024 conference seeks to recognize Álvaro Siza and Denise Scott Bown’s contributions, “Between Autonomy and Engagement”.
The International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA) was founded in 1978, during the 13th World Congress of the International Union of Architects (UIA), by Pierre Vago, Bruno Zevi, Max Blumenthal, Mildred Schmertz, Blake Huges, Jorge Glusberg, Louise Noëlle and Julius Posener, among others.
This tribute to Álvaro Siza, promoted by CICA - International Committee of Architecture Critics, will take place at the Serralves Foundation, as part of the parallel programme curated by architect António Choupina for the exhibition C.A.S.A. (Álvaro Siza Collection, Archive).
This tribute to Álvaro Siza, promoted by CICA - International Committee of Architecture Critics, will take place at the Serralves Foundation, as part of the parallel programme curated by architect António Choupina for the exhibition C.A.S.A. (Álvaro Siza Collection, Archive).

Álvaro Joaquim de Melo Siza Vieira
nasceu em Matosinhos em 1933.
Estudou Arquitetura na Escola
Superior de Belas Artes do Porto entre 1949 e 1955, sendo a sua primeira obra
construída em 1954.
Foi professor na Faculdade de
Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto, cidade onde exerce a sua profissão.
É membro: da American Academy of
Arts and Sciences; é "Honorary Fellow" da RIBA/Royal Institute of
British Architects; da BDA/Bund Deutscher Architekten; “Honorary Fellow” e
“Honorary FAIA” da AIA/American Institute of Architects; da Académie
d'Architecture de France; da Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts; da
IAA/International Academy of Architecture; Sócio Honorário e Membro Honorário
da Ordem dos Arquitectos Portugueses; da American Academy of Arts and Letters.
O seu trabalho tem tido amplo reconhecimento internacional, tendo sido
distinguido com alguns dos mais importantes prémios no âmbito da arquitetura, dentre
os quais, o Prémio Pritzker, em 1992.