Sundays at the House of Cinema: Manoel de Oliveira Spectator
With João Canijo (filmmaker) and Daniel Ribas (film teacher) and moderation by Anabela Mota Ribeiro
Access to the House of Cinema Auditorium is via Rua de Serralves nº 873, 30 minutes before the start of the session.
Ticket: 3€
Full pass for all sessions: 70€
Discounted admission: 50% for Amigos de Serralves, youth, students (with ID) and over 65
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Ninth and final session of the film programme Um Filme Falado: Os Temas de Oliveira, with conception and moderation of Anabela Mota Ribeiro. This film programme is dedicated to several themes which are present in Manoel de Oliveira's oevre. This film session concludes the cycle with the theme Mystery, with the screening of Manoel de Oliveira's Benilde or the Virgin Mother (1975) followed by a conversation with the filmmaker João Canijo and the film teacher Daniel Ribas, moderated by Anabela Mota Ribeiro.
7 DEC | SAT | 17h00
Manoel de Oliveira | POR | 1975 | 112’
With: João Canijo (filmmaker) and Daniel Ribas (film teacher)
Adapted from a play by José Régio, Benilde or the Virgin Mother was one of the first films that launched Manoel de Oliveira's international consecration. The film takes place during the 1930s, on an isolated manor house in Alentejo: the owner's young daughter claims to be pregnant and swears not having had any physical contact. Benilde's mysterious pregnancy, which she attributes to a supernatural intervention, raises suspicions and baffles those around her. "Benilde's strange case deals with the nuclear family, which is an institution. I remember something a provincial teacher told me, in a very concrete, realistic interpretation, that everything in the play was the result of an old-fashioned, austere and rigorous form of education" (Manoel de Oliveira)

Anabela Mota Ribeiro nasceu em 1971 em Trás os Montes. Vive e trabalha em Lisboa. Fez licenciatura e mestrado em Filosofia na Universidade Nova de Lisboa. No doutoramento, que frequenta, prossegue o estudo do escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis. Foi visiting research fellow da Brown University em 2019. Publicou os livros “O Sonho de um Curioso” (2003), com 14 entrevistas, "Este Ser e não Ser - Cinco Conversas com Maria de Sousa" (2016), "Paula Rego por Paula Rego" (2016), "A Flor Amarela - Ímpeto e Melancolia em Machado de Assis" (2017), "Por Saramago" (2018) e "Os Filhos da Madrugada" (2021 e 2022). Jornalista freelance, colaborou com diversos jornais e revistas. É autora e apresentadora de programas de televisão. Os mais recentes: Curso de Cultura Geral (2017 e 2018, RTP2), e Os Filhos da Madrugada (2021 e 2022, RTP3). Enquanto programadora cultural, colabora com instituições de referência. Entre outros projectos, assinou, com José Eduardo Agualusa, a curadoria da Feira do Livro do Porto em 2017, 2018 e 2020. É membro do Conselho Geral da Universidade de Coimbra. Desde 2013 disponibiliza o seu arquivo no site Gosta de cinema desde sempre.