12 OCT | 15:30, 17:00, 18:45
13 OCT | 15:15, 16:30, 17:45

The performance CONTACT has its origin in moments of touch in the public space. During a two-year residency at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam, working alongside artists from an international community, I became very aware of different norms and customs around physical contact, including my own, and started to keep a diary of moments of touch. All handshakes, accidental elbow bumps and the tiniest of interactions were noted down at the end of the day. The diary became a score for a live performance. — Karel van Laere
Performed and conceived by Karel van Laere
Text editor and voice narrator Ash Kilmartin
Technical support and robotic design Mauricio van der Maesen de Sombreff
Pictures and video Alex Heuvink
Contact is made possible by Het Amarte Fonds, Rijksakademie van Beeldende
Kunsten, Stichting Largo
Check out the full programme here

Karel van Laere (The Hague, 1988) is a performance and video artist living and
working in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He studied at the Theatre Academy in
Maastricht, the Netherlands, at the Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA),
Taiwan and at The Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. His work
won several prizes, such as The Piket Kunstprijs; the Audience Award for Best Short
Film of the Cinedans Festival; the First Prize of the Taoyuan Contemporary Art Awards,
Taiwan and the the Best of ITS On Tour Award. His work has been screened and
exhibited in the Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, Belgium, Taiwan, Switzerland,
Russia, Ireland, Denmark, China, France, Romania, the USA, Canada, Sweden, the
UK, and Austria.