12-13 OCT | 10:00 - 19.00

SLow is a performance that shows the defenseless human body surrounded by machines, systems, etc.
Karel noticed that in Taiwan, like in other Asian countries, there are strict rules people (have to) live by, and that these rules cannot be easily put aside. Slowly but imperturbable the boy in the video follows his own path. Using an invisible electric tackle, he drags himself in an even tempo through the Taiwanese urban landscape, marking in an entertaining and wondrous way the contrast between the route of the defenseless human body and the hectic world surrounding it.
Director, Performer Karel van Laere
Year of production 2013
Director of Production 李少哲
Line Producer 凌瑋隆
Assistence 莊皓巖 & Trixie Ballesteros
Special thanks 莊陳保, 鄭敬儒, 葉柏青, 孫斌立, 劉錫權, 陳愷璜 , 榮工工程公司 關渡施
工所, 台北市北投區關渡宮, 台北市關渡國小
Check out the full programme here

Karel van Laere (The Hague, 1988) is a performance and video artist living and
working in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He studied at the Theatre Academy in
Maastricht, the Netherlands, at the Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA),
Taiwan and at The Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. His work
won several prizes, such as The Piket Kunstprijs; the Audience Award for Best Short
Film of the Cinedans Festival; the First Prize of the Taoyuan Contemporary Art Awards,
Taiwan and the the Best of ITS On Tour Award. His work has been screened and
exhibited in the Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, Belgium, Taiwan, Switzerland,
Russia, Ireland, Denmark, China, France, Romania, the USA, Canada, Sweden, the
UK, and Austria.