A sessão será realizada em português e inglês
Lotação: 60 Pax
Acesso gratuito mediante inscrição através do link

This session will discuss the current challenges in cultural institutions on the occasion of the launch of the new "Manual of Museum Management".
The Manual of Museum Management is a comprehensive and detailed guide to the tools and strategies to successfully address today’s issues and opportunities, including climate change and social justice, repatriation, teamwork, technological innovations, community connections and building on the huge reservoir of public trust in museums.
During the session the lead author, Gail Lord, will discuss the innovation and resilience of the museum sector today working toward multiple perspectives in learning, content and exhibitions and a noncolonial philosophy of management, creating a more human museum experience of caring empathy and equity for staff and visitors.
A panel of experts will reflect on the current issues of institutions as art museums, natural history museums and the cultural sector as we whole.
18:00 Welcome
Helena Freitas, Serralves Park Director
Rosalia Vargas, President, Ciência Viva
18:15 Keynote: Museums in Dynamic Change, Gail Lord, President, Lord Cultural Resources
18:45 Panel Discussion moderated by Javier Jimenez, Director, Lord Cultural Resources
Helena Freitas, Serralves Park Director, Full Professor University of Coimbra
Nuno Ferrand, Scientific Coordinator of CIBIO-InBIO, Full Professor University of Porto
Paulo Pires do Vale, Chairperson, The Portuguese National Plan for Arts&Culture, philosopher, professor, essayist and curator
19:30 Book launch: The manual of museum management: for museums in dynamic change, Gail Dexter Lord, edition Rowman & Littlefield [2024]
Cocktail & Book signing
20:15 End of the session

Technological Culture, Portugal, and Director of Pavilion of Knowledge, the Lisbon Science Centre. Since 1996, has been leading the creation of a network of science centers in Portugal, currently with 21 members. President of Ecsite (2013-2015) and board member of ASTC (2016- 2022) and currently is member of the Global Trends Committee of the ASTC Board of Directors and member of the committee of World Organization for Science Literacy (WOSL), Beijing, China. Her academic and professional development covers Education, Media Studies, Political Governance, and Scientific and Technological Culture. Other key positions include: Member of the discussion group of the “Museums in the Future” project, created by the Portuguese Ministry of Culture, member of the Council for Monitoring the National Plan for the Arts, member of Open University Advisory Board; member of the International Committee of Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw. Elected by the Jury of Blooloop 50 Museum Influencers List 2022.