link for registration.
Acesso: Bilhete Visita guiada
Adulto residente em Portugal: 11€
Adulto não residente em Portugal: 13€
Entrada gratuita para crianças até aos 12 anos;
Desconto de 50% para Amigos de Serralves, jovens até aos 18 anos e maiores de 65 anos.
What is the color of the invisible? Can we create images beyond what is in front of our eyes? Perhaps we can find answers in the illusionist magic of cinema. Based on the exhibitions at Casa do Cinema Manoel de Oliveira, we'll learn about the meaning of the color green and its role in creating fantastic images. Using our imagination and the support of technology, we'll imagine films and create sculptures using Serralves as a backdrop!
Mecenas do Serviço Educativo
On going