Ciclo de Conversas Online Nós e a Biodiversidade
Horário: 18:00
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A Câmara Municipal de Santa Maria da Feira
e a Fundação de Serralves estabeleceram uma parceria no sentido de convidar a
sociedade para a reflexão e diálogo sobre a importância da Biodiversidade e a
sua relação com a ação humana. "Nós e a Biodiversidade" é um projeto
integrado constituído por 5 momentos, 5 temáticas, 5 conversas, que procurarão
no âmbito da missão do Município e de Serralves para a ciência cidadã,
aproximar a comunidade ao conhecimento da biodiversidade.
Conversa Nós e as aromáticas
A importância das plantas aromáticas e
medicinais na biodiversidade e saúde humana
Moderador – Helena Freitas (coordenadora da equipa diretiva do Parque de Serralves)
Oradores – Fernanda Delgado (IPCB) e
Fernanda Botelho (escritora)


Helena Freitas received her PhD in Ecology from
the University of Coimbra, in collaboration with the University of Bielefeld,
Germany, in 1993, and did postdoctoral studies at Stanford University, USA,
between 1994 and 1996. She is Full Professor of Biodiversity and Ecology at the
Department of Life Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the
University of Coimbra since 2003, and holds the UNESCO Chair in Biodiversity
and Conservation for Sustainable Development since 2014. Helena Freitas joined
the General Council of the University of Coimbra (2009-2011), was the Director
of the Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra from 2004 to 2012, the
President of the League for the Protection of Nature (1999 (2002-2005), the
founder and President of the Portuguese Society of Ecology (2004-2013) and the
Vice- President of the European Society of Ecology (2009-2012). She is
currently Coordinator of the Center for Functional Ecology - science for people
and the planet, Scientific Coordinator of FitoLab - Phytosanitary Laboratory of
the Pedro Nunes Institute, and is a member of the Scientific Council of the
Department of Life Sciences of the University of Coimbra. Her research
interests include Ecology; Mediterranean Ecosystems; Forest and Agriculture;
Ecology and Management of exotic and invasive species; Conservation of Nature,
Biodiversity; Physiology of the tree; Diversity of Plants and Fungi; Tolerance
to Stress and Bioremediation; Environmental policy; Bioenergy; Conservation of
Nature; Microbial ecology; Ecology and Society. She is the author of more than
300 international scientific publications and several publications promoting
and disseminating science. In March 2000 he was awarded the Commendation of the
Order of Prince Henry the Infant by the President of the Portuguese Republic
Jorge Sampaio.