Margherita Morgantin, COSMIC SILENCE (Fluorescence)
The Museum as Performance
Horário: 10:00 - 20:00
Image: Margherita Morgantin
project of the Italian artist Margherita Morgantin for the Serralves
Museum in Porto, on the occasion of The Museum as Performance, is titled COSMIC
SILENCE (Fluorescence) and is part of the project VIP = Violation of the
Pauli exclusion principle SOPRA LA MONTAGNA SOTTO LA MONTAGNA. It is an installation
consisting of an environmental video shot on the mountain plateaus, and a
series of windsocks that signal the invisible movements of the air, creating a
new visual reference point for visitors, sensitive to atmospheric changes. The rustle
of the windsocks is accompanied by the diffusion of the sound translations of
subnuclear wave spectra (in collaboration with the electronic musician Ilaria
Lemmo) and by a sound travelogue created for the occasion.
experiments conducted as part of COSMIC SILENCE, currently
underway, aim to deepen the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the
biological response to environmental radiation in model systems, both in
vitro and in vivo, at different levels in the phylogenetic
windsock, a symbolic element connected to weather that has accompanied the
artist's research for years, is also a literal signpost of the motorway areas
exposed to strong winds in the land route that the artist traveled from Italy
to Porto and back. The windsocks installed in Serralves are sewn including
fragments of the fluorescent clothing worn by the workers working on the
highways. The audio commentary that can be perceived recomposes the sound
translation of the radiative spectra of the nuclear physics experiments in the
Gran Sasso laboratories (precisely in the neutrino tunnel) with the sounds
recorded along the way of a journey by land that followed the need for
geographical verification of the world after the months of lockdown: the
physical need to point towards an ocean horizon, to reach the Atlantic coast of
Portugal without taking a flight for granted.
invisible and microscopic elements redefine the rules of movement and the
destinies of bodies on the planet, a new audio-visual road signs system
accompanies the experience of a space that has been rediscovered or, perhaps,
available for the last time." (M.M.)
four works that form the intervention for The Museum as Performance are the
traces of the artist's passage as signs of particle movements. They include the environmental
video installation Campo base. Una
specie del vento (Base Camp. A kind of wind, sound color 2h 15 '): the start
of the climatic and performative monitoring of the project VIP =
Violation of the Pauli exclusion principle SOPRA LA
MONTAGNA SOTTO LA MONTAGNA; Cosmic Silence 1, MIRA: windsock installed on the tower
of the chapel of Serralves Villa; Cosmic Silence 2, fluorescence 1:
windsock installed in the access stairwell of the tower accompanied by an
ambient audio track (translation of VIP spectra); Cosmic
Silence 3, fluorescence 2: windsock installed in the exterior of the “casa
do fresco” of Serralves formal gardens, accompanied by an audio diffusion along
the interior of the space (audio track built on text and a base of sounds taken
from the integral recording of the car journey of the artist back from the
Serralves museum to Milan).
The Gran Sasso mountain chain in the centre of Italy
is the physical and symbolic centre of the investigation of Margherita
Morgantin thanks to its exceptional double perspective.
VIP is
a research path that starts from the observation of some images of subnuclear
and astroparticle physics in relation to artistic imagination, practiced
through personal sensitivity as a form of scientific data. The title borrows
the name of one of the particle physics experiments that has been running for
years in the Gran Sasso underground laboratories of the Istituto Nazionale di
Fisica Nucleare under the Gran Sasso massif. VIP is the
acronym that names the experimental search for 'impossible atoms', whose
appearance would represent a violation of Pauli exclusion principle, still
considered one of the cornerstones of our scientific understanding of the
universe and matter. In VIP, the artist's body and experience
become part of the scientific tools used for field research. VIP was
articulated is articulated between 2020 and 2021 through different degrees of
involvement of various interlocutors and audiences in the processing and
presentation of its results.
Production: Xing, 2021
VIP = Violation of the Pauli exclusion principle SOTTO LA MONTAGNA,
SOPRA LA MONTAGNAhas been made possible thanks to the support of the Italian Council
(VIII edizione 2020).
Margherita Morgantin is an italian visual artist born in Venice who
lives and works in Milan. She graduated in Architecture at the IUAV Department
of Technical Physics researching on systems for forecasting natural light. Her
work is articulated through different languages, ranging from drawing and
installation to performance, and moving on a thread that connects language,
philosophy, mathematics and visual culture. Contact and cohabitation,
observation and imagination, are the open intervals that characterize the work
of Morgantin. She has contributed to group shows and festivals in Italy and
abroad. Recent
projects of hers include: ‘VIP = Violation of the Pauli exlusion
principle, SOTTO LA MONTAGNA, SOPRA LA MONTAGNA’ (2020-21) produced by
Xing with the support of Italian Council, ‘Doing Deculturalization’ (Museion,
Bolzano 2019); ‘Mi-abito’ (Farmacia Wurmkos and Museo del 900, Milano
2019), ‘BienNolo’ (Spazio ex Cova, Milano 2019); ‘Vetrine di
Libertà’,’ La Libreria delle donne di Milano, ieri, oggi’ (Fabbrica del
Vapore, Milano 2019); ‘Artworks that ideas can buy’ (Arte
Fiera/Oplà.Performing activities, Bologna 2019); ‘Hospitality’ (Non-objective
Sud, Toulette, France 2018); ‘Embracing the moment’ (Beatrice Burati
Anderson Art Space and Gallery, Venezia 2018); ‘AndarXporte’ (Palazzo
Archinto, Milano 2017); ‘Et in terra’ (Beatrice Burati Anderson Art
Space and Gallery, Venezia 2017); ‘Drawings’ (Auditorium del Parco di
Renzo Piano, L’Aquila 2017); ‘Flow’ (Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza
2017). She published the books of short texts and drawings: ‘Titolo
variabile’ (Quodlibet 2009), ‘Agenti autonomi e sistemi multiagente’ (with
Michele Di Stefano) (Quodibet 2012), ‘Wittgenstein’ (nottetempo
2016), ‘Lo spazio dentro’(with Maddalena Buri) (nottetempo e-pub
2020), ‘Sotto la montagna Sopra la montagna’ (nottetempo 2021). Since 2013 she also works as
Pawel und Pavel, a collaborative project on writing and performance with Italo
Zuffi. She has collaborated with sound/visual artists and choreographers such
as Michele Di Stefano/mk, Roberta Mosca, Richard Crow, Mattin, Alice Guareschi,
and with the Diotima women philosophical collective. She teaches artistic
anatomy, scientific illustration, and performance techniques at Accademy of
Fine Arts in L'Aquila.