Uso Cultural das Árvores

Ciclo de Conversas Somos Árvores

Somos Árvores

txt 0.875 data display

24 NOV 2021

Horário: 17:30

Evento hibrido, de acesso gratuito, com inscrição obrigatória através deste link.

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2111 Conversa Uso Cultural das Árvores 24 nov


17h30 - Boas vindas

Professora Helena Freitas (Direção do Parque)

17h40 - Intervenção

Professor Luís Carvalho (Carvalho (Museu Botânico do Instituto Politécnico de Beja)

18h40 - Observação das amostras do estudo in loco e conversa aberta com o público

19h00 - Encerramento

Professora Helena Freitas





As árvores e os humanos partilham uma longa história, que terá tido início quando os nossos antepassados nelas encontraram abrigo, alimento e suporte para a sua cultura material. A sedentarização das comunidades humanas, com o alvor da agricultura, trouxe novos desafios, não só aos humanos, mas também às árvores. Estas, começaram a desempenhar novos papéis: crescente origem de matérias-primas e, certamente, elementos de códigos simbólicos inovadores. Durante a nossa conversa, apresentaremos dezenas de matérias-primas, obtidas a partir de árvores, que se utilizam em arte (madeiras, resinas, gomas, óleos essências) e recordaremos, também, os usos simbólicos que, na nossa cultura, se atribuíram às árvores, aos seus frutos e sementes.


2111 Conversa Uso Cultural das Árvores 24 nov


1 Helena Freitas new
Helena Freitas
Luís Mendonça de Carvalho
Luís Mendonça de Carvalho
1 Helena Freitas new
1 Helena Freitas new

Helena Freitas received her PhD in Ecology from the University of Coimbra, in collaboration with the University of Bielefeld, Germany, in 1993, and did postdoctoral studies at Stanford University, USA, between 1994 and 1996. She is Full Professor of Biodiversity and Ecology at the Department of Life Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra since 2003, and holds the UNESCO Chair in Biodiversity and Conservation for Sustainable Development since 2014. Helena Freitas joined the General Council of the University of Coimbra (2009-2011), was the Director of the Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra from 2004 to 2012, the President of the League for the Protection of Nature (1999 (2002-2005), the founder and President of the Portuguese Society of Ecology (2004-2013) and the Vice- President of the European Society of Ecology (2009-2012). She is currently Coordinator of the Center for Functional Ecology - science for people and the planet, Scientific Coordinator of FitoLab - Phytosanitary Laboratory of the Pedro Nunes Institute, and is a member of the Scientific Council of the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Coimbra. Her research interests include Ecology; Mediterranean Ecosystems; Forest and Agriculture; Ecology and Management of exotic and invasive species; Conservation of Nature, Biodiversity; Physiology of the tree; Diversity of Plants and Fungi; Tolerance to Stress and Bioremediation; Environmental policy; Bioenergy; Conservation of Nature; Microbial ecology; Ecology and Society. She is the author of more than 300 international scientific publications and several publications promoting and disseminating science. In March 2000 he was awarded the Commendation of the Order of Prince Henry the Infant by the President of the Portuguese Republic Jorge Sampaio. desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile