Story Time | Pássaros e Cogumelos

With writer e pianist Joana Gama

22 FEB 2025 | 4PM

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2202 Hora do Conto | Pássaros e Cogumelos

The Serralves Bookshop hosts the first session of Storytelling Hour, featuring the children's book Pássaros & Cogumelos, brought to life by its author and pianist, Joana Gama.

This marks the beginning of a series of monthly gatherings that invite children and families to immerse themselves in the world of books. Each session becomes an engaging experience where stories, whether read or told, come to life through imagination.

""Everything is in everything,"" said the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras. That is why speaking of trees is speaking of people, and speaking of people is speaking of trees. Trees, seemingly silent and motionless beings, form countless relationships, without which they would not survive—and neither would we. They also support birds and mushrooms and, through them, extend over vast distances in ways that are difficult to comprehend. With this trio—trees, birds, and mushrooms—we can talk about so many things… And while we’re at it, if everything is in everything, where does the toy piano fit in?

This is how the performance Pássaros & Cogumelos, written and performed by pianist Joana Gama, begins—an experience that later gave rise to this book. Illustrated by Estúdio Lavandaria, it also includes several toy piano compositions by João Godinho, accessible via QR code.

📌 Sign up now! Admission is free but subject to venue capacity.

Throughout 2025, once a month, children and families are invited to attend Storytelling Hour at the Serralves Bookshop, always on Saturdays at 4:00 PM. More than just listening to a story, it is an interactive moment where words gain voice and movement. Each session takes young readers and their families on new journeys, sparking creativity and fostering a love for reading.

Galeria da Exposição

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Joana Gama
Joana Gama
Joana Gama
Joana Gama

Joana Gama (Braga, 1983) is a Portuguese pianist who is involved in multiple solo projects and collaborations in the fields of cinema, dance, theatre, photography and music. Moved by music and the stories it carries, or can carry, Joana Gama endeavours to give concerts and performances that express her interests and affinities. Fascinated by the idea of music that is almost silence, or music that invites contemplation, she has performed music by Erik Satie, John Cage, Federico Mompou and Hans Otte in recent years. Aware of the importance of ecology, he has two performances for children which, through music, alert them to the importance and, simultaneously, the fascination that trees, birds and mushrooms can bring to our lives.

Image: © Vera Marmelo desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile