Documentary NIKIAS SKAPINAKIS - RETRATO DE AUSÊNCIA, by Isabel Gomes and talk with António Cerveira Pinto and Bernardo Pinto de Almeida
Pre/Post ― Visual Variations of 25 April
3€ (Friends of Serralves, students and over 65s: 50% discount)
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This documentary has as its starting point an unpublished interview conducted with Nikias Skapinakis, in 2007, which is of the utmost importance for being one of the rare filmed testimonies that the artist consented to. Over the course of 35 minutes we are guided by the thought and ideas of the Portuguese artist of Greek descent, around art in general, but also about the work he has built over seven decades.
In the 70s, Nikias Skapinakis proposed to conceptually analyse certain aspects of the transformation of Portuguese society, namely with regard to the place of Women and their rise in relation to their traditional dependence, examples of which are the collective portraits “Para o Estudo da Melancolia em Portugal”, “Caminhos da Liberdade” or “Metamorfoses de Zeus”.
The artist was, for decades, from his youth until the 25th of April, a staunch anti-fascist and an active opponent of the regime, in addition to having always been a fighter for freedom. Persecuted by PIDE during Salazarism, he was a political prisoner in 1962 for six months in the Aljube prison.
After the 25th of April, he joined the Movimento Democrático dos Artistas Plásticos and participated in actions during the revolutionary period. One of his most emblematic works of this period is "" Delacroix no 25 de Abril em Atenas "" (1975) and is part of the exhibition currently presented at Serralves "" Pré/Pós – Declinações Visuais do 25 de Abril”.
The screening of the film will be followed by a conversation about the artist Nikias Skapinakis by the art critic António Cerveira Pinto and the essayist and art critic Bernardo Pinto de Almeida.
Nasceu em 1976. É Doutoranda na Universidade de Coimbra no Colégio das Artes, no Doutoramento em Arte Contemporânea, e membro do CEIS 20 — Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX. Realizou documentários sobre artistas, entre os quais: Arte Vida / Vida Arte - Alberto Carneiro (2013); Spiritual Exercises - Bosco Sodi (2014); Rua José Escada - José Escada (2015) e Pintar a Ideia - Manuel-Casimiro (2018). Em 2024 irá estrear o seu último documentário – Retrato de Ausência - sobre a obra do artista Nikias Skapinakis. Realizou e apresentou diversos magazines culturais exibidos na RTP: ZOOM; Estação das Artes; Documentários sobre a Bienal de Veneza e o Photo Espanha assim como a Série Design PT exibida em 2015 na RTP2. Foi curadora em 2019 da exposição: Da história das imagens (o fotográfico na obra de Manuel Casimiro) apresentada no Museu Arpad Szenes – Vieira da Silva.