January 19th – 20th: 1:30pm – 5:40pm
January 21st – 22nd: 10:30am – 6:40pm
January 24th – 26th: 1:30pm – 5:40pm
TICKET: 7,5€
* Regular discounts (50% for Amigos of Serralves, students and over 65 years old).
Tickets on sale online and at the Serralves Museum reception.
Attendance conditions
1 person per performance
Information and booking:
Duration of each session: 45'
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Artistic direction: Davis Freeman
Music: Gerrit Valckenaers
Created and performed por by Daniel Matos, Sofia Kafol, Rafael Ferreira, Davis Freeman, Ana Rocha, Sara Santervas and Mariana Barbosa.
*Reflection is an extract from the larger performance of Too Shy to Stare.
The viewing of the self in the body of an ‘other’ is the form used by the artist Davis Freeman in his piece Reflection, addressed to a single person per performance. His performers embody the person they are performing for in such a way that allows freedom and space for the possibility to reconsider ones self.
Peggy Phelan notes ‘One always locates ones own image in an image of the other’. But what if the other was the self?
This new version of Reflection is created with six Portuguese dancers to give each audience member their own unique experience.

Davis Freeman is an American artist based in Brussels with his company Random Scream. He makes contemporary theater and dance, photo/video installations and curatorial projects. His work is referred to as devious political theatre or docu-performances that often confronts an audience to question their own moral behavior.
Currently Freeman is touring his latest pieces Do my Mouth, Karaoke (ART) and 7Promises. Along with his own work Davis Freeman works as a performance artist with Forced Entertainment (Bloody Mess, The World in Pictures) and Meg Stuart (Cascade, Built to Last, Highway 101, Alibi).