Serralves aims to provide a connection with institutions that aim to provide support and monitoring for groups with special needs, through the organisation of continuous programmes, with weekly or monthly periodicity, thus making it possible to discover the Foundation’s heritage assets. The proposals are tailored to the specific characteristics of each group, and are aimed at stimulating relational attitudes, develop autonomy, implementation capacity, in collaboration with the respective technical experts.
Activities are subject to prior appointment with the Educational Service, from 10am-1pm/2:30pm-5pm (except weekends and holidays). Marking application form: https://www.serralves.pt/pt/crm/pedido_marcacao.php
Cristina Lapa: ser.educativo@serralves.pt, 226 156 546
Anabela Silva: a.silva@serralves.pt, 226 156 519
General Phone: 226 156 500
Galeria da Exposição