Ângelo de Sousa
Quase tudo o que sou capaz | Vila Real

Image: Ângelo de Sousa, Pintura, 1967. Col. Fundação
de Serralves – Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Porto. Aquisição em 2002. Foto:
Filipe Braga, Fundação de Serralves
of the most influential figures in the Portuguese artistic context of the
second half of the twentieth century, Ângelo de Sousa (Lourenço Marques,
Mozambique, 1938—2011, Porto) is also one of the artists better represented in
the Serralves Collection. Spanning from 1961 to 2002, these works cover all
artistic media used throughout the artist’s prolific career: drawing, painting,
film, sculpture, installation, and photography.
de Sousa: Almost Everything I am Capable Of’ includes a selection of the
artist’s drawings, paintings and sculptures and aims to emphasize the
importance of the interaction between these disciplines in the development of
his artistic work. This exhibition refutes the prevailing image of Ângelo, the
painter, demonstrating that his sculptures and drawings are not only
fundamental facets of his work, but also the ones in which his experimentalist
spirit is particularly striking.
works are apparently simple — in his words, the artist tries to achieve ‘the
maximum effect with the minimum resources, the maximum effectiveness with the
minimum effort, and the maximum presence with the minimum screaming’. His
drawings, paintings and sculptures do not illustrate concepts, they never begin
with ideas, but rather his desire to make and think with his hands. The
exhibition underlines the artist’s desire to work with simple elements and
presents some of his earliest works, still figurative but already revealing the
streamlined approach that was to characterize his practice, side by side with
abstract-geometric exercises that established Ângelo de Sousa as one of the
utmost explorers of colour and light.
de Sousa: Almost Everything I am Capable Of’ is part of the Touring Exhibitions
Programme of the Serralves Collection, which aims to make the Foundation's
collection accessible to different audiences across the country.