Livros e Edições de artista da Fundação de Serralves - Museu de Arte Contemporânea | Torres Vedras
Imagem: Bruno Munari, Aconà Bicombì, 2007. Livros e
Edições de Artista. Col. Fundação de Serralves – Museu de Arte Contemporânea,
Porto. Adquisição 2009 Fotografia: © Frédéric Deval, cortesia Mairie de
Bordeaux, France
‘Que sais-je?’ is the world's most famous pocket encyclopaedia. Founded
in 1941, this collection of books is designed to introduce the general public
into a wide variety of different areas. Since it was founded in 1941 it has
published 3,800 titles by 2,500 authors.
The artists featured in this exhibition, all of whom have works included
in the Serralves Collection of Artist’s Publications and Books, question the
relationship between their activities and different models of knowledge
transfer, as shown by their use of parody of dictionaries, encyclopaedias,
teaching methods, and a deliberate destruction of the information conveyed by
magazines and newspapers. They produce publications but are not concerned
whether or not they are immediately understood. They are motivated by a form of
generating ideas and thinking differently about the intellectual territories
with which we are familiar. In these works, an ironic allusion to systems of
order reminds us that, in art, confusion may be a truly wonderful fact.
This exhibition is part of a programme of exhibitions and sited
presentations of works from the Serralves Collection that furthers the Museum’s
aim of making the Collection visible and accessible to a broader public around
the country.
Production: Fundação de
Serralves — Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Porto