Image: Pedro Tudela, Untitled (from the >e(c(o< series), 2020.
Coll. Fundação de Serralves – Museu de Arte
Contemporânea, Porto, Portugal. Acquisition 2020 © Rita Castro, cortesy Kubikgallery
This exhibition features works by
Pedro Tudela (Viseu, 1962) in the Serralves Collection spanning almost thirty
years, from 1990 to 2019. Tudela studied Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts
of the University of Porto and began his career in the 1980s. Since then, he
has proved to be an eclectic artist working in different disciplines and
fields, such as painting, sculpture, performance, sound, multimedia,
scenography and experimental electronic music.
His earliest works, from 1980, were
paintings. However, already in the early 1990s, Tudela started to integrate
sound in his work, which happened for the first time in the exhibition ‘Mute…
life’ (Galeria Atlântica, Porto, 1992), from which a work is featured here. In
that exhibition, sound was still autonomous from the visual works, functioning
like a soundtrack that enveloped and integrated the various elements in the
show. From then on, sound become increasingly relevant as a visual and
conceptual part of the work in its own right, on par with drawing, painting or
sculpture. Tudela incorporates the various disciplines without hierarchies or
boundaries, reflecting the permeability between languages, which becomes one of
the main features of his work. Sound becomes the protagonist and is visually
treated, often materializing in sculptures which incorporate the very devices
that generate it, such as loudspeakers, magnetic tapes, cables, speakers, elements
which are at once visual and acoustic.
Tudela’s artistic practice is
inseparable from human existence and the world, which has been manifested
through various forms over the course of the years, and is now represented in
this exhibition in a selection of nine works.