Exhibition ITIN Ponta Delgada - Space for the Body

Space for the Body presents a set of works by Portuguese and international artists that focus on the body as a creative and preceptive agent, exploring its relationship with space and time, with movement and absence, and with architecture and intimacy.This exhibition focuses on the work of women artists who have deepened a reflection about space and the body, challenging its limits. While some artists explore the formal, phenomenological and conceptual outlines of this theme, others delve into its personal, social and political implications.
The exhibition includes sculptural works and installations that appeal to the senses and to the viewer's movement through space, as well as works by artists that dissolve the limits between their body and their practice - an approach that gained expression in the 1960s and 1970s. Performance and video become important artistic media in this period, due to their immediacy and straightforwardness, conforming to the experimental attitude of these artists and to their focus on the body. Space for the Body brings together works from this period to the present day, covering the representative time span of the Serralves Collection.
The exhibition, curated by Joana Valsassina, is part of the Serralves Collection’s Itinerant Exhibition Programme, which aims to make the Foundation's collection accessible to different audiences across the country.
Production: Fundação de Serralves – Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Porto"