Serralves Library specialised in post-1960 contemporary
art in its various manifestations - visual arts, performing arts, architecture,
music - and different approaches - art theory and history, cultural policies,
collecting, fairs and biennials, competitions and cultural education - with special
emphasis on the themes and artists presented in the Museum's programme and
represented in the Serralves Collection.
Serralves Library’s documentary collection comprises
more than 50,000 items, including exhibition catalogues, monographs,
periodicals and video and audio recordings. It is used in the research underpinning
the definition of the programme and the production of the activities developed
by the Museum’s management. It also serves the community of readers and
researchers who are searching for information from the Foundation to develop
their research work or simply extend their knowledge about contemporary art.
Aimed primarily at researchers, artists, art
critics, architects and university students, Serralves Library has an online catalogue
of its collection.
Members of the public can also register as a
Reader on the Library's website. This status allows users to guarantee the
availability of desired titles on a specific date and ensures accompanied
access to the Library's documental collections – the Collection of Artist’s Books and Publications (a unique collection
in the Iberian Peninsula used to organise more than 50 exhibitions on the
Library's mezzanine floor), the Melo e
Castro Collection (which includes examples of one of the 20th century’s most
interesting artistic movements), and two collections put together for
presentation of two exhibitions, the Raymond
Hains Collection and the Porto 60/70 Collection.
The Archives, in particular the Álvaro Siza Archive (40 projects donated
by one of the world’s leading architects), the Carlos Alberto Cabral Collection (a magnificent collection that
documents the construction project of Serralves Villa and Park), the Photographic Archive (images of
Serralves Villa, garden, farm, exhibitions, works from the collection and
activities), and the Graphic Material
Archive (compilation of materials produced within the framework of the Foundation's
activities) are available to the general public, subject to prior booking.

Serralves Museum
Serralves Museum


House of Cinema
House of Cinema

Serralves Villa
Serralves Villa