The "E. M. de Melo e Castro” Collection , includes important items dedicated to visual poetry, constituted by hundreds of works, many of which are extremely rare editions, compiled by Ernesto Manuel de Melo e Castro - a visual poet and author of countless theoretical works on this topic.
This collection is constituted by documents originating from 17 countries and mainly produced in the 1960s and 1970s. These include a large number of monographs; individual and group exhibition catalogues; different issues of periodical publications; a group of graphic materials, consisting of brochures, invitations, postcards, posters and leaflets about experimental poetry and/or concrete poetry movements. The collection also has several "object poems" (a particular type of document that gives this collection its own unique identity)

The "Raymond Hains” Collection is formed by a variety of different documents that were displayed at the exhibition with the same name, held at the Serralves Museum in 2000, and which were donated to the museum by the artist at the end of the exhibition.
Raymond Hains (Saint-Brieuc, França, 1925-2006) is one of the leading figures from the French artistic universe. The collection includes a wide range of different items: photographs, negatives, transparencies and slides, video cassettes (VHS and Betacam), that the artist produced in several situations experienced during his visits to Portugal and Spain, which constitutes an authentic "video-photography report”. This collection also includes graphic materials (posters, leaflets, brochure, invitations, etc.), several 3D objects, monographs, solo and group exhibition catalogues and periodical publications.

Porto 60/70” Collection features a set of catalogues of individual and collective exhibitions, publications within the Concrete Poetry movement and the performing arts (theatre, cinema, music), and periodicals.
One of the Collection’s most prominent sections is the graphic materials section: brochures,flyers, invitations, etc. relating to individual and collective exhibitions, produced by artists that marked this decade in the cultural life of Porto, in well-known galleries and institutions (Grupo Alvarez, Cooperativa Árvore, the Soares dos Reis National Museum - Centre for Contemporary Art, etc..). It also incorporates an important set of documents belonging to the Teatro Universitário do Porto (Porto University Theatre - TUP).

Serralves Museum
Serralves Museum


House of Cinema
House of Cinema

Serralves Villa
Serralves Villa