Serralves Park occupies a total area of 18 hectares and is composed of a wide diversity of magnificent, harmoniously interconnected spaces: formal gardens, woodlands and a traditional farmhouse. Designed by the architect, Jacques Gréber, in the 1930s, it is a unique example of landscape heritage in Portugal.
A visit to the Park, whether via participation in a programmed activity or a free walk through any of its circuits, with different routes and durations, is a privileged opportunity to come into contact with nature, and appreciate the diversity of the Park’s arboreal and shrub heritage. The gardens and Park also provide a museographic setting. In a visit to the Park it is possible to see sculptures that belong to the Serralves Foundation’s Collection, that are on permanent display.
Check here to see the different types of Visits and Activities in which you can participate, in order to discover Serralves Park and its heritage.
Uma visita ao Parque de Serralves, em qualquer um dos seus circuitos com diferentes percursos e durações, é uma oportunidade privilegiada para estar em contacto com a natureza e apreciar a diversidade do seu património arbóreo e arbustivo, o qual inclui mais de 8000 exemplares de plantas lenhosas, representando sensivelmente 230 espécies e variedades, nativas (autóctones) e exóticas (alóctones). Além disso, os jardins e o Parque são também cenário museográfico: numa visita ao parque pode conhecer esculturas que são obras da Coleção da Fundação de Serralves expostas em permanência. Museu.
Sponsor of the Park


Serralves Museum
Serralves Museum


House of Cinema
House of Cinema

Serralves Villa
Serralves Villa