Illustration: @Fedra Santos
A count once lived in the large pink house … Today we can appreciate many works of art inside the building. From the windows we can see the landscape. The beautiful garden has water and many plants, that reminds us of a painting with different colours and textures that change throughout the year.
Look closely at the illustration and discover the three bird species, and the Camellia, Indian Horsechestnut and Atlas Cedar trees.
A count once lived in the large pink house … Today we can appreciate many works of art inside the building. From the windows we can see the landscape. The beautiful garden has water and many plants, that reminds us of a painting with different colours and textures that change throughout the year.
Look closely at the illustration and discover the three bird species, and the Camellia, Indian Horsechestnut and Atlas Cedar trees.
Identify the 3 birds, their morphological characteristics and their birdsong in the Biodiversity platform.
To learn more about the Camellia, Indian Horse-chestnut and Atlas Cedar trees, explore here:
Here you can walk through the Central Parterre!


Serralves Museum
Serralves Museum


House of Cinema
House of Cinema

Serralves Villa
Serralves Villa